Friday, February 16, 2007

Find Joy At Work

My one New Year’s resolution is: Find Joy At Work.

Why? Because I invest a huge amount of my time and energy in work. And like a marriage, if work is not going well and I’m not feeling good about it, my whole existence is affected. The first step in finding joy at work is believing it’s there to find. And I do believe that. The main ways I experience joy at work are:
  • The endless fascination of people. People are like icebergs – only a small fraction of their entity is really visible on the surface. People, their motivations, emotions, psychology, perceptions, fears, and dreams, are very interesting to me.

  • The challenge. Usually there are problems at work that I can contribute to solving, although these challenges often represent huge frustration as well. Unraveling the confusion and overcoming the adversity can be very satisfying.

  • The sense of accomplishment. Hard-won, for sure, but to know that I have made a difference and achieved a goal, especially if it was working with an intrepid band of dedicated people who care about doing their best, is a joyous event.

Of course, I also see a lot of frustration, discombobulation, miscommunication, unintended consequences, poor judgment and even anguish at work. It is always a choice, and the only thing I really control is my own reaction to it. But if one of my main focuses each and every day is to find the joy, then I hope it can continue to be worthwhile. Yeah, I know it sounds like motherhood and apple pie – but consider the alternative.

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