Saturday, June 14, 2014


On Father's Day eve this year I'm thinking a lot about my Dad.  I miss his unique and eccentric humor, his irreverence, his generosity. On his March 29 birthday in 1986, around the time when Dad retired from RCA, his good friend and co-worker Sandy Lynch compiled this list that always helps me remember him better; some were uttered by him with enthusiasm, others with irony or thinly-veiled sarcasm.

It's like poetry I think.  Those who knew him (or me) or worked with him (or me) or have been lucky enough to join us long ago for one of Mom's Sugar Acres dinners one evening may remember some of these phrases.  There are many parts of life where this vernacular suits, and why not?


Hell of a plan (deal)
Absolutely ecstatic
You got it, little sister
I'd do it for a dog
You're a hell of a nice lady
You ain't all bad
May I help you?
Sitting up late with sick friends
What is it that you want to have happen?
He/she is a bonafide flibbertygibbet
Poor damned thing
Floundering around aimlessly
I hope so--fervently
Depend on it!
The bean cannery
Right before your horrified eyes
Where will it ever end?
Basically bad
Ya done good!
Oh dear!
Kinda makes your sphincter tighten
Not too shabby
Feigned ardor
Why not?
Fair enough!
A live one
Try not to panic
Hybrid vigor
Someone has to serve as a horrible example

*(So you don't forget the vernacular)


mark Rinker said...

I like I get older I hear my old man all the time. Yours sounds like a classic

Lynn said...

He was a classic for sure! What are some of your favorite phrases from your Dad? Here is a memory another friend of mine, Nick, had about my Dad:

I was reading your post about your dad and I thought of one too. I did not know him very well, he seemed real interesting. He came in the trophy shop one time and wanted some little round metal discs about the size of a nickel and wanted "TUIT" engraved on them. That way he said whenever someone tells him they will do it when they get around to it, he would give them a round "TUIT".