Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I am a Warrior

I was doing my stretching exercises in front of the TV tonight and happened upon a show with Suze Orman, of all people, talking about Women and Money. She spoke passionately about how women undervalue themselves, take care of everyone else but themselves. She spoke about the eight characteristics of a wealthy woman. The characteristics included harmony and balance, generosity, happiness, wisdom, among others. The third characteristic she discussed was courage.

She talked about how she summons courage herself when times get tough—emphasizing that taking action is what helps one find courage. She says to herself: “You are a warrior and you are not to turn your back on the battlefield.”

That struck a chord with me; I think I say something similar to myself at times to muster the courage to speak up, object, recommend a different way, confront a bully, and more.

I am a warrior and I will not turn my back on the battlefield.

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