Caitlin suggested a hike up to see the aspens, and Saturday morning she, Shannon and I headed up to Eldora. We took Hessie Townsite Trail to Devil’s Thumb and on up to Lost Lake. The aspens were gloriously gold against the deep green pine and it smelled wonderful.

I told the kids about the last time I had headed up this trail with the two of them; Shannon was riding in a backpack on my back, and Caitlin was still cozy inside me, waiting to be born about a month later. I was hiking with my brother and my husband and people would pass by and look at us curiously, seeing a small very pregnant woman with a kid on her back and two big men hiking beside her, kid free. But Shannon wasn’t comfortable on any back but mine, and so it goes. The picture is from a slightly earlier time, but you get the idea.
It was a glorious blue sky September day in Colorado, and we laughed and talked a lot all the way up, past a rushing stream, big rocks, and many dogs enjoying the trail and especially Lost Lake itself as they sloshed around the banks and fetched sticks thrown out into the lake.

I was glad my kids enjoy my company on a hike like this, and grateful to Caitlin for coming up with the idea. Also I was filled with joy to see again how well Caitlin and Shannon get along with each other and how much they enjoy each other's company.

They are friends, and that is not always the case with brothers and sisters. It is a wonderful memory.
1 comment:
So cool to see you with Shannon on your back and then now with both of them standing next to you. What a wonderful back drop to live your life against.
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