We take a journey to Denver for the day, and the city presents some quirky images in our sojourn around Lodo and down by the river.
A random act of beauty presents itself—colorful crocheted flowers woven into the metal grid of a construction fence.
We ask a local guy passing by which group did this and he explains that it happened just a couple of nights ago—an unnamed group of girls showed up, wove the flowers into the fence, stood back admiring their handiwork and smiling, then moved on.
These small moments of loveliness do come along if you keep your eyes open.

We spend awhile writing at the desk with the blue lamps at the Starbucks next to Confluence Park, and then
wander into Union Station, with the sign that says “Travel by Train,” and the big old wooden benches and the high arched windows.
Train stations always give me the urge to travel, and trains are a great way to really see what your passing through on the journey. There are trains that go west over the divide through Glenwood Springs and all the way to San Francisco--if a person were ever to take a great notion to quietly escape her life and journey incognito for a few days, or weeks, or months.
In re the crocheted flowers on the fence, it's called "guerrilla yarn art, "knit grafitti," "yarn bombing," and "guerilla knit/crochet." I love both the beauty and sneakiness of it -- what fun!
Thanks for the comment! I had no idea this activity had a name. Who knew? There is even an organization called Knitta that's been around since 2005: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knitta
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