It’s like a missing tooth you keep feeling around for with a wistful tongue. My favorite espresso joint in Boulder closed on May 1. A kindred spirit who also loved the place sent me some photos to remember it by. I keep thinking I’ll head down there, and then realizing it is no more. Why was it so special?
For one thing, it was attached via an inviting brick archway to the independently-owned Boulder Bookstore, one of my favorite places in the world. A person could sip a latte, then go next door to peruse the inviting shelves, then come back for more latte, and repeat. BookEnd had old red brick walls, and shelves filled with ancient tea tins and pots. There was a large ball of string on display, and a huge painted wooden frog. The soundtrack was usually playing music I enjoyed and the overall hubbub of the place was enough to energize, but not so much that it overwhelmed.
You could sit next to the tall windows and people watch for hours as the parade of humanity* which is Boulder’s Pearl Street ambled by. Or you could sit outside at the stone tables next to the black iron grillwork and listen to that long-haired old guy with the beard who sings pretty well, knows the words to every folksong ever written and always seems to know which one you want to hear next. Chess players, students, tourists, silver-haired groups in lively conversation, writers, families--all found a cozy place to hang at Bookend. I can only hope for a swift resurrection.
*The Pearl Street parade can include the likes of a small boy balancing a luminous green-purple peacock feather on his index finger as his proud father looks on, a smiling young couple holding up a sign offering “Free Hugs,” several people in a row on mats doing yoga on their backs and offering to balance onlookers on their feet, a ragtag band with a guitar, washboard and fiddle singing fast jazzy tunes in raucous harmony, a flamethrower and juggler explaining to a member of the audience how not to toss the axe up to her while she’s pedaling the unicycle lest bloodshed occur, a blonde belly dancer undulating to a languorous drumbeat gradually building to a fast crescendo...and so much more.
That's too bad!
At least the Boulder Bookstore is still open. If that place ever closed (or got bought out by a chain), I think I'd mourn for a month, even though I haven't been there in years. It's just good to know it's there. I've wasted many an hour there since my teens.
You are right - it could always be worse. I can't believe how hard losing BookEnd has hit me, though.
I will miss the BookEnd too! Many hours spent there studying, reading and looking out the window. Sad day!
Lots of changes coming for sure :-)
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