At the caucus the other night, a couple of other "women o

f a certain age" who had also voted with me in the minority for Hillary Rodham Clinton came up to me afterwards to thank me for "speaking up and for my passion" about supporting HRC as our next president. We spoke together about how hard it is for us to understand the degree of hatred and anger some people seem to have for her. Although I consider myself to be quite a good communicator, I find it hard to vocalize the certainty with which I believe she is the best person for the job at this time.
Robin Morgan has written an outstanding essay, "Goodby to All That #2," that says it all, pretty much perfectly, including several examples of the "toxic viciousness" and double standard that bother me most. She also points out that the values HRC has go way back to her early days and provides several great quotes that show this. I'm grateful to my brother-in-law Bill for forwarding the link to me.
In the end, Robin is right. I am for Hillary Clinton not because she is a woman, but because I am, and because she is the best choice.
1 comment:
Hi, Lynn. I've been forwarding that Robin Morgan article all over the place since I first read it. She states much of what enrages me much more concisely, and without expletives. :) -- la
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